April 6 - May 19, 2024
“Lowcountry Dreams" is an exhibition of original paintings by Bisbee resident Bill Mead. Members and non-members can see his work on display in Gallery 818 during the show, along with exploring more of Mead's art in the museum's Mural Labyrinth and Sculpture Garden.
From the artist:
One day while helping a friend out at his veggie stand, I painted a picture of a watermelon and put it by the road to show we had watermelons for sale. A lady came by and said she loved the painting and wanted to buy it. I sold it to her. Three weeks later I couldn’t paint these pictures fast enough, seems everybody wanted one or two. So, in 2005 I quit my “real” job to become a surrealist painter. Just what I always wanted to do. I was actually born in North Carolina not France...
Members: FREE
Non-members: $10 (includes museum admission)