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Jesu Moratiel

Born 1993 – Spain

Jesu Moratiel currently works and resides in Madrid. His work is multidisciplinary, from installation and sculpture to photocollage, painting and 3D animation. His eclecticism deepens the intrinsic characteristics of the materials and media in which he works: from the conservationist and insulating nature of resin, as time capsules, contrasting its transparency and brightness to its relic character.

The thematic bulk of his work revolves around four fundamental pillars: life (and as a consequence, death), sex as the original phenomenon of life, the influence of science and technology in contemporary society as well as the configuration of social relations. Moratiel drinks from the artistic and anthropological record of universal cultures, their myths and beliefs, to configure a reflexive network of allegories to the origins of human concerns. All of them, proposed from a very personal point of view, marked by traumatic experiences in an easy childhood, such as the double separation of his parents and the premature death of his then-girlfriend Carlota.

Thus, one could speak of his practical and theoretical work as a stratification of concepts that are entering the reflection on the consequence of scientific, historical, technological and social influence in that entelechy that is Human.

For example, in some of its amber pieces, thousands of dead bees participate as a result of pesticides and global warming. Far from being limited to the environmental problems that characterize our era – and in particular the catastrophe of bees – it shares with Aristotle, Hume or Manderville the metaphor between apicultural and human societies to delve into concepts such as the loss of identity and the individuality in favor of a mass report, the situational “hornet” in which we live or the dissolution of geopolitical borders.



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