Gala Mirissa
Born 1975 – Spain
To experience the Gala Mirissa NFT titled “I Love You More Than My Own Skin" which includes a recording of Frida Kahlo reciting a love poem to Diego Rivera, please click the play icon on the media above. Scroll down for complete information on the piece.
Gala Mirissa is a digital artist based in Barcelona and Reus, Spain.
Mirissa’s artwork combines photography and art with motion graphics; she is a pioneer in the emerging world of NFTs (“non-fungible tokens” - digital files whose unique identity and ownership are verified on a blockchain).
Mirissa’s artwork inquiries into the notion of movement as a universal language and challenges the viewers’ perceptual parameters initiating them into heightened experience capable of encouraging a cross-pollination. One of the most interesting aspects of Mirissa’s work is the way, through her experimental approach, she combines photography and art with motion and sound and thus creates something that looks alive, dynamic but also unique.
Mirissa’s works are her engine, giving her limitless movement, wings, strength and healing. In 2015 she began to develop the Redhawk effect using morphing software.
“I dedicate my art to all those women who have suffered some mental disorder or anxiety product of a society that annuls them as people. In particular, one of my favorite poets, who could not stand the pressure and ended up committing suicide, Alfonsina Storni, wrote a combative feminism in the line that is observed in the poem “You want me white”, which is motivated by relationships problematic with men, decisive in the life of the poet. Making reference to a society that demands more to women than to men.”
"I Love You More Than My Own Skin"
Artist: Gala Mirissa 2021
1200 x 1700 px, video (56.3 MB)
Includes a radio recording in which Frida Kahlo recites fragments of “The portrait of Diego” Signed single-edition digital NFT*
After a difficult life marked by tragedy and illness, Mexican artist Frida Kahlo met Diego Rivera in 1927. Rivera become her mentor and, shortly after, the love of her life. During all the years they were together, Kahlo did not stop writing passionate, romantic and profound letters that, fortunately, we still have today. Imbedded in the artwork is a radio recording in which Kahlo recites fragments of “ The Portrait of Diego”, two minutes in which Kahlo describes Rivera physically and intellectually. Kahlo wrote this text in 1949 to describe her husband, the painter Diego Rivera:
“Con su cabeza asiática, sobre la que nace un pelo oscuro, tan delgado y fino que parece flotar en el aire, es un niño grandote, inmenso, de cara amable y mirada triste. Sus ojos saltones, oscuros, inteligentísimos y grandes están difícilmente detenidos. Casi fuera de las órbitas por párpados hinchados y protuberantes como de batracio, sirven para que su mirada abarque un campo visual mucho más amplio, como si estuvieran construidos especialmente para un pintor de espacios y de multitudes y muy pocas veces desaparece de su boca búdica y de labios carnosos una sonrisa irónica y tierna, flor de su imagen. Viéndolo se piensa inmediatamente en un niño rana, parado sobre las patas de atrás, sus hombros infantiles, angostos y redondos, terminan en unas manos maravillosas, pequeñas y de fino dibujo, sensibles y sutiles como antenas, que comunican con el universo entero. Es asombroso que esas manos hayan servido para pintar tanto y trabajen todavía infatigablemente. Su forma es la de un monstruo entrañable”.
“With his Asian head, on which dark hair grows, so thin and fine that it seems to float in the air, he is a big boy, immense, with a kind face and sad eyes. His bulging, dark, extremely intelligent and large eyes are hardly stopped. Almost out of their sockets by swollen and protruding batrachian eyelids, they serve to allow your gaze to encompass a much wider field of vision, as if they were specially built for a painter of spaces and crowds and very seldom disappears from your Buddha mouth with full lips an ironic and tender smile, flower of his image. Looking at it, you immediately think of a frog child, standing on its back legs, its childish shoulders, narrow and round, ending in marvelous hands, small and fine drawing, sensitive and subtle as antennae, that communicate with the entire universe. It is amazing that those hands have served to paint so much and are still working tirelessly. Its shape is that of an endearing monster.”
*Non-fungible tokens or NFTs are cryptographic assets on blockchain with unique identification codes and metadata that distinguish them from each other. Unlike cryptocurrencies, they cannot be traded or exchanged at equivalency. This differs from fungible tokens like cryptocurrencies, which are identical to each other and, therefore, can be used as a medium for commercial transactions.
Artists and musicians are using NFTs to monetize digital goods that have previously been cheap or free. The technology also responds to the art world’s need for authentication and provenance in an increasingly digital world, permanently linking a digital file to its creator.
For example, an artwork by Beeple, which exists only as a digital file and was sold as a “nonfungible token” for a staggering $69.3 million at an online auction handled by Christie’s in early 2021, was bought by an investor known only by a pseudonym and who paid for it with cryptocurrency. “I feel like I got a steal,” said the buyer, who goes by the pseudonym Metakovan.